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Romanian Theatre Performances

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"If music be the food of love, play on..." says Orsino, at the beginning of Shakespeare's play.

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A visionary, forerunner of the theater of the absurd and controversial personality of the European avant-garde, Witkiewicz writes in 1924, The Mother: An Unsavoury Play in Two Acts and an Epilogue, a tragic farce full of absurd and black humor.

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Blood seals destiny. To be Karamazov already means a broken wing, a demon in the soul, which does not let man become Man for a moment.

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This is a family that blends daily gestures with the grand historical ones, since every one of us has been modeled by history. A family which can be ours, forced to live in a character-room.

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Fate has a sense of humor and, from time to time, plays funny; brings to Paris, in the same inn, three twins looking for love. In a sarabande of entanglements, each of the brothers is mistaken for another.

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Astrologic guide for amateurs

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The waiters in a luxurious restaurant are incurable patients dressed up as angels, and their condition entitles them to commit any acts, assaulting their customers included. The latter come to watch the macabre live show of human decay and death and pay hefty sums for it.

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The pilgrimage, the road to Canterbury is a quest.

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The future does not exist. There is only a territory of refuge for phantasms, when consciousness cannot participate in the options of the present.

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What is the limit of the road that a strong consciousness is willing to take? Can life be planned in advance?

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Matei Visniec, the most frequently popular Romanian playwright in the last
period, has a subtitle for his play: “fantasy, masquerade, buffoonery and
experiment in two acts”

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All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;

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The game of love, halfway between passion and sexual obsession, builds up a blissful, exciting, funny and graceful dream.

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The theatrical space belongs to essential elements: fire and water are the signs of a tragic mythology whose role is to denounce the "crookedness" of history.

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I want the performance to be floating in primitive essences. The barrel is the Matrix of this world. It will become a table, a chair, a hiding spot, a drum, a bath-tube, a counter, a manger. You drink from it, you sleep in it, you play it, you have a bath in it.

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A folk tale becomes the nursery for manic theatrical invention. Our hero refuses to be born until he's reassured that he'll never grow old.

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Harry Nilsson, a famous American musician, wrote in the ’70’s a story about Oblio, a little boy with round head who lived in the Pointy-Headed Land.

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